Will an Instagram Bot Get You More Followers?

The main goal of an Instagram bot is to boost your follower count.

While results can’t be 100% guaranteed due to different factors (account type, target audience and instructions, content quality), the idea is that bots and automation tools will help you be seen by the right people and extend your reach on Instagram. 

When you provide the proper targeting instructions and continue to produce high-quality content, you should see your followers increase.

This, in turn, should also lead to more engagement, since these new followers are already interested in the type of content that you’re posting. 

This is exactly the process of Instagram follower growth if you were to do it by hand, so the main purpose of an Instagram bot is, essentially, to lighten your workload and get your content in front of as many people as possible through engagements. 

Many people think that Instagram bots are some shortcut or quick fix for Instagram follower growth; while they certainly do make your life easier and will bring in more followers and engagement, you should be realistic about what an Instagram bot can actually do for you. 

There is no miracle potion for Instagram growth, and if you want the bot to protect the integrity of your account and keep it safe, you should understand that it’s a process just as it would be if you were making the interactions yourself. 

The time you save should be invested in your content strategy, hashtags, captioning, and other relevant tasks.
